Wednesday, September 2, 2009

The Benefits of Deflation

If you can protect your wealth there are some major benefits of living in an environment we currently live in. Last spring I bought two pairs of jeans, one of which normally retails for over $150 and the other that normally retails for over $80 for $30 and $45 respectively. Considering I dislike the experience of shoping for clothes immensly and rarely do it, it made the experience quite enjoyable.

Well calculated risk had an article on the Maui Prince Hotal being pushed into foreclosure by Wells Fargo.

Well thought I would do a little research and see what kind of deals the Maui Prince Hotel was offering if they are on the verge of foreclosure. According to their website their are many different packages to choose from. You can get the 3rd night free promotion for $298 a night. That works out to $200 a night including the free night. For what looks like a top class resort in Maui, that is a deal!!! You can get the 2009 prince special which comes with the prince room, breakfast, and rental car for $389 a night.

The Lexington Plaza Waterfront Hotel in Stockton California (east of San Franciso and Oakland) is also in trouble. The destination is nowhere near as appealing as Maui but the price is right for what looks like a nice hotel. Special offer of 2 nights for a total of $179.95.


Mrs. Watanabe said...

Stockton is actually East of SF and Oakland and is in the middle of cow country... It's like Vegas without Vegas.

The Duke said...

I couldn't agree more. We went to Studio Movie Grill last night and got in for 5 bucks each to see Inglourious Basterds. We then found out it was all you can eat pizza and $3 beers. Even a year ago what turned out to be a $24 night TT&L, would have been more like $50-$60.

Market Seer said...

Thanks...I knew it was east (pulled up a map originally bc I had no idea where it was) but some wrote west. Of course that would put it in the Ocean.

Duke - Nice!! I def could eat $5 worth of pizza to make the movie itself actually free. :)